A Motorcycle rider riding his bike in rain

5 Tips for riding in rain?

If you don’t ride in rain, you don’t ride! This phrase may seem to bring out the biker in you but honestly riding in rain is fun.Sometimes the fun can be dangerous if any thing goes wrong and in rain this probability increases a lot. Here are some tips to ride safely in rain.

Stay dry stay safe:

There is no need to ride un necessarily in rain,its better to avoid if you can but if you meet a naughty rain cloud, its must to carry a rain suit in your motorcycle backpack or panniers.(Checking weather forecast may come in handy). Once the riding gear starts soaking, riding gets difficult and tiresome.

Maintain slow speeds:

Slow speed riding is the key to ride in rain. Due to wet surface of tires and road the friction element which helps in stopping is increased. That’s why it is advised to ride slow so one can get more stopping distance and lesser speeds to control the motorcycle.

Keep riding in the trails:

Usually cars can be seen leaving a thread mark on wet roads while driving, This is patch where water is pushed out due to weight and friction of Car and its tires. This dry patch is good to ride in while rain. This patch not only keeps one safe but also makes it much safer to stop during sudden deceleration.

Don’t Fear Using Brakes:

People don’t use much brakes during rain which is not recommended, in fact keeping a lil foot on brakes not only keeps them engaged, it keeps both surfaces dry (usually motorcycles have drum brakes) and makes stopping much easier.

Don’t fear riding:

The above mentioned tips are not to make you afraid of riding in rain but to make you well equipped for possible outcomes and situations. Riding is fun in what ever condition it is, rain is just little icing on this cake.

Ride safe & share with others.


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