Petrol may get 10 rupees cheaper today!
For the last couple of months, the market was full of rumors of cheaper and more affordable fuel. Since the arrival of Russian crude oil, it felt that these rumors may come true. Many people anticipated that fuel may get 100 rupees cheaper but that seems like a far cry. As per recent news, Govt may reduce fuel prices. Petrol may get 10 rupees cheaper today!
Pakistan has to fulfill its petroleum needs by importing petrol from different countries. Earlier Pakistan was importing oil from Gulf states. This is for the first time that Pakistan is testing Russian fuel. The government stated that we will test the Russian crude oil if it suits our vehicles or not. This may be due to different levels of octanes and purity standards.
Different engine types require different levels of fuel purity. A small commuter motorcycle will work on a low octane (cheaper quality fuel) but a sports bike will not work. Government should introduce cheaper low ron fuel for motorcyclists in Pakistan. As the Russian fuel is cheaper, the government may pass the relief to the public. Petrol prices may go down by 10 rupees and Diesel prices may go down by 8 rupees. Let’s see what happens!