Yamaha Motorcycle Fuel Tank Issues

Yamaha Motor Pakistan is greatly loved and honored by Motorcyclists in Pakistan and often referee as a change in Pakistani Motorcycling scene but the quality claims are increasing day by day and this is causing issue to Yamaha owners.

Mr. Muhammad Ghayoor Saeed is a seasoned motorcyclist and Yamaha riders club member from Karachi. He has traveled a lot on his much loved and maintained YB125Z but recently he was facing issues due to leakages in fuel tank.

Ghayoor said that his motorcycle tank has leaked for the third time and caused damages to paint and body work. The more we repair, more issues are appearing.

Ghayoor can be followed on his YouTubeChannel.https://youtube.com/c/GhayoorTheGenie

Ghayoor knows that the motorcycle is in warranty but the leakage has occurred in 3 years only. There are people with decades old motorcycles whose tank are still intact. Now Yamaha should work on their quality and improve it.


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